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A Flask News/Blogging site. It has full database and authentication functionality. Users can create an account, can be assigned roles and permissions, and write articles using CKEditor.


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This is the site you are on right now. It started off as a static site for a final project in a web design course. It has been turned into a Flask site that uses Flask-Mail and WTForms.


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Another version of this site that uses an app factory function and a PostgreSQL database with psycopg2. It has a content manager for the user so that certification badges and portfolio projects can be added via forms to the database. It also uses Flask-Login authentication.

Alekna Contracting

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A site made for a friend's personal contracing business. It is a simple Flask app. This was first made as a static site before it was made into a Flask app.

Rescue Site

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This is a simple website from a Web Design course's textbook. It is a website for a fictitious foundation that rescues animals. It was created over the course of the textbook through the exercises in each chapter.

Music Site

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This is a simple website from a Web Design course's textbook. It is a website for a fictitious company that teaches music lessons. It was created over the course of the textbook through the exercises in each chapter.

Fitness Site

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This is a website from a Web Design course's textbook. The main course material centered around creating this site. The major fundamentals of Web Design were covered while making this project. It is a website for a fictitious gym.